We are pleased to announce that we will be hosting another Basket and Gourd Class Day at the Heritage Museum (450 Quail Gardens Dr. Encinitas, CA 92024) on August 4 (in lieu of a regular meeting). This is a traditional day of celebration, when we feature low-cost classes for Guild members and the general public.
Classes are from 9:00am-5:00pm. Please plan to bring your lunch and water bottle and tools as noted in class descriptions. Bring a chair if possible. We will have coffee available.
There will also be a selection of basketry supplies available that were donated to the Guild, including base and handles of different shapes and sizes, handles and rims, dyed flat reed, natural flat reed, round reed, oval reed, and more. Cash or checks welcome if you wish to donate money to the Guild if you decide to “adopt” some of these items.
To register contact Debbie Zimmerman via dzmistibasketday24@gmail.com. We will be asking for TWO checks when registering — the class fee check will be made out to MWGBG and the teacher fee check will be made out to the teacher. Details will be shared after registering. CLICK HERE for printable version of the class catalog.
Recycled News — Carol Lang, Instructor — All levels
Learn plaiting technique.
Cost: $30 for Guild members; $35 for non members
Tools needed: Scissors, basket packing tool or flat blade screwdriver
Teacher will provide newspaper, and glue.
Class size: 10 max
Walk-ins: allowed
Project size: 5” width by 5” high by 7” high
Basket over a Blue Bottle — Willie Ziegler, Instructor — Intermediate level, must know twining
Learn how to twine over a bottle with cane and waxed linen.
Cost: $35 for Guild members; $40 for non members
Tools needed: Sharp scissors, small packing tool.
Teacher will provide bottles, cane, waxed linen and beads
Class size: 5 max
Walk-ins: no
Project size: 2.5” width by 5.5” high
TransTint Dye with Pine Needles on a Gourd — Grace Swanson, Instructor — All levels
Learn to apply TransTint dye to a gourd, make a custom cut if desired, and how to embellish the top of the gourd with pine needles and choice of beads.
Cost: $50 for Guild members; $55 for non members
Tools and materials needed: Clean gourd 7-8 inches across, cleaned and painted inside. Apron, gloves, and heat setter. Teacher will have a drill and bit but students may opt to bring their own with 1/16” bit.
Teacher will provide dyes, pine needles, sewing needles, and an assortment of beads.
Class size: 15 max
Walk-ins: if under max.
Butterfly Basket on a Gourd — Cookie Hanson, Instructor — All levels
Learn how to twine with seagrass and Dracaena Draco on a gourd.
Cost: $40 for Guild members; $45 for non members
Tools needed: scissors
Teacher will supply gourd, seagrass and dracaena draco.
Class size: 10
Walk-ins: yes
Door Basket — Marsha Orr, Instructor — All levels
Learn basic over-under interrupted weave, lashing on a rim and Japanese knot on handle. D handle and gingham ribbon and Welcome Disk included. Flowers not included.
Cost: $55 for Guild members;$60 for non members
Tools needed: sturdy scissors or reed cutters, old towel. Optional: Flexible measuring tape, spray bottle, weaverite bent tip tool, lash buddy. (Teacher will have tools to share.)
Class size: 15 max
Walk-ins: yes
Project size: 10” x 14”