Artist: Don Weeke
The mission of the Guild is to preserve, promote and perpetuate the appreciation of gourd and basket art by providing a supportive, sharing and educational environment. Members of MWGBG represent all levels of interest in basket and gourd making — beginners, professionals, hobbyists and collectors. The members all share a common fascination for handmade vessels and sculptural objects — whether ornamental or utilitarian — and for the natural and manufactured fibers used in their construction.
In addition to sharing in the fun and friendship at MWGBG meetings and events, Guild members enjoy the benefits listed below. Unless otherwise noted in the Events Calendar, we meet on the first Sunday of the month at Noon to no later than 3:00pm at the San Dieguito Heritage Museum at Heritage Ranch, 450 Quail Gardens Dr., Encinitas, CA, 92024 (next door to the San Diego Botanic Garden; turn onto Ecke Ranch Road to access driveway — see map below).
Educational Opportunities. Participation in mini-workshops and lectures at meetings Special one- and two-day workshops conducted by nationally-known teachers held throughout the year (fees may apply).
Newsletter. Published quarterly in January, April, July and October; E-mailed to each member of the Guild. (can be mailed USPS upon request). Click here for sample newsletter. Refer to website Events Calendar page for current activity/meeting information.
Free Basketry/Gourd Materials. Occasionally, the Guild is the recipient donated gourds, basket materials and related supplies and books. When this occurs, these items are offered to our members at meetings.
Membership Directory. The MWGBG membership directory with members’ address, phone and email is available to each member of the guild (for guild use only.)
Access to the Guild Library. Members can email the Librarian (, and she will bring requested books to the next meeting. Lists located on Members Only page. Click Here for current list of books in our library.
Rental of MWGBG VCR to CD/DVD Converter. Once we have our VCR tapes converted we will offer rental of our equipment to our members.
Advance notice of special events:
- Annual Members Basket and Gourd Class Day
- Del Mar Fair Competition Entry
- Related Festivals and Learning Conferences
- Local Demonstration Opportunities
- Gallery and Museum Exhibits of Interest
- Special classes by National and International Teachers
Membership Information
$25 for Individuals
$30 for Households
$40 Commercial (includes advertisement in newsletters)
Membership is from January through December.
Print the application form and mail it with your check to:
1120 Pepper Drive, Sp 159
El Cajon CA 92021
Comments or Questions: