Following the regular meeting and potluck, we will hold our annual members meeting at which officer elections will take place. Nominations are open for the position of President and for Secretary. Feel free to nominate yourself or nominate someone you know that would be interested. There will also be an opportunity to show your recent creations or share information with the group before the special program begins.
We are extremely pleased to have Brecia Kralovic-Logan give a fun, interactive presentation, taking you through a series of activities designed to support your ability to risk stretching out of your comfort zone and review tools for being a productive, happy, and expressive artist. Based on the material from her book, The Spiral of Creativity-Mastering the Art of a Spirited Life, this experiential program includes writing, discussion, games and guided imagery.
Brecia will also share information about the Women’s Woven Voices project, an international collaborative art project that empowers women through writing, weaving and sharing their stories.
Don’t miss this very special event designed to help you explore your creativity!