Members and guests are welcome to attend this meeting at the San Dieguito Heritage Museum at Heritage Ranch (450 Quail Gardens Dr. Encinitas, CA, 92024; turn onto Ecke Ranch Rd. to access driveway). We meet outdoors under a covered patio, so please dress accordingly.
We look forward to being with you all to discuss plans for the Guild’s future and receive members’ input. We will have photos of proposed special workshop projects with Margaret Mathewson that we are planning for Fall 2023 to help us get an idea what classes would be of interest. Also, we’ll have sign-up sheets for demonstration dates at the SD County Fair.
We encourage members to enter in the San Diego County Fair competition. Carol Lang has offered to deliver your pieces to the SD Fair if you bring (and pick up), so bring your entries to the May meeting. Also, Debra Zimmerman has offered to deliver your pieces to the Orange County Fair and you have option of bringing entries to the May or June Guild meeting. See Opportunities Webpage for instructions and entry deadline details.
Example of Tension Tray Mini-Workshop Project
Following the meeting, potluck and show and share, Carol Lang and Willie Ziegler will lead a mini-workshop on how to make a small tension tray, a technique to hold a basket together by the tension of the weaving. Once you learn the basics of this technique in this workshop, there are many fun variations that can be incorporated into future projects. Reed will be provided. Students should bring clippers or basket shears, small pail for soaking reed, and a towel. There’s a $5 fee for those interested in taking the class.
We are pleased to bring back the potluck lunch. Since there are no kitchen facilities, you might want to keep your dish picnic-style. However, there is electricity for your crockpot/hotplate.
For those who cannot attend the meeting in person, an email with Zoom option will be sent to current members the week before meeting (not an option for mini-workshop portion of meeting.)